Succulent Bouquet


Succulent Bouquet

from $125.00

Succulents are that wonderful plant that is also a flower. They come in shades of green and gray and purple and even orange and red to reflect the season. When paired with flowers they are even more vibrant. Succulents also have amazing little flowers. If you look closely, the white baby flowers are an actual succulent flowers! These can be shipped (flowers will be chosen accordingly to withstand shipping) because naturally succulents can withstand not having a water source for weeks and longer. After you are done with your wedding, enjoy at home for a little longer, than plant in your garden where you will forever remember your special day! These are wrapped in twine or a simple white satin ribbon. Contact me for personalization.

$125 Bridesmaid bouquet for smaller version of the brides

$250 Bridal bouquet with succulents and seasonal flowers

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